WonderCon 2017 – Day One
WonderCon 2017 was a blast, probably my favorite one so far! There was so much great cosplay, tons of tempting merchandise in Artists’ Alley and the exhibitor booths, and memorable panels and premiers. As WonderCon continues to grow in popularity, thousands flocked evach day to the Anaheim Convention Center, ready for a day of embracing their inner geek. With the crowds of fans came some pretty long badge lines on Friday, but that didn’t stop us from taking the opportunity to snap a pic of this awesome Homestuck cosplay!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
The great thing about conventions is no matter where you are, you can always strike up a conversation and make a new friend since everyone is eager to talk about their favorite shows and characters.
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
We were happy that WonderCon was once more taking place in Anaheim. The L.A. Convention Center, while closer, had much worse traffic and parking and the convention itself was much harder to navigate. The Anaheim Convention Center is much more open and centralized, bringing back WonderCon’s reputation for being one of the more relaxed, manageable conventions out there.
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Fire Emblem continues to be a popular franchise to cosplay from. I was glad to see a Lissa – her design is one of my favorites in Awakening!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Team Rocket is a classic – it seems that this time Jessie and James finally got it right though and have Pikachu in their clutches!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Wonder Woman really put the WONDER is WonderCon this year – there was a TON of cosplay and merch for her since her movie’s coming out in June. Here’s hoping it’s awesome!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Decoration for booths can quickly wander into the bizzarre. This column of Spiderman figurines in the comic books section of WonderCon was quite the spectacle!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Some new DC Superhero Girls hitting shelves soon! Intergalactic Gala gowns and Wonder Woman with her invisible jet (out for a while now, but still impressive!).
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Also new – action figures for Justice League Action! Hawkman looks especially cool. I definitely need to check this show out.
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
LOVE this Noragami cosplay! Binged 2 seasons in 2 days and have been waiting for a third season ever since!
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
Now here’s a true classic – The Last Unicorn. That movie is gorgeous, haunting and will stick with you long after you’ve finished it. Glad to see it getting some love.
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
One of the highlights of Friday was definitely seeing the world premiere of Teen Titans: Judas Contract. The animation, dialogue and characters were all excellent and I will definitely be picking up my own copy as soon as it comes out on DVD! Unfortunately no pictures were allowed during the showing, but here’s a pic from the panel afterwards featuring the directors and voice actors from the film! Sean Maher and Kari Wahlgren (pictured above) did amazing jobs voicing Nightwing and Starfire.
WonderCon 2017 – Day One
That’s it for day one! I leave you with an intimidating Iron Fist. Keep your eyes out for day two’s article soon, full of plenty of cosplay pics and other goodies!
Until next time, stay geeky!