WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
This Sunday from 2-4 PM, another WhedonKnit Night was held, this time at The Ripped Bodice in Culver City. WhedonKnit Nights are a time for people to get together, chat about their favorite fandoms and knit blankets to donate to Newborns in Need, an organization that works to provide necessities to preemie babies and impoverishes families with newborns. WhedonCon is a charity convention, meaning that all profits made from ticket sales are donated to charities. WhedonKnit Nights go one step further, putting time and effort into making handmade blankets so that the support NIN receives is not only financial, but physical as well.
Cookies were brought for participants as well as an Oz Funko Pop to keep us company 🙂
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
The comfy couches at The Ripped Bodice were the perfect place to hang out and knit for a few hours.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
The Ripped Bodice is a fascinating location in its own right, being the only bookstore in America to focus solely on romance books. Sisters Bea and Leah Koch opened the store after raising $91,000 on Kickstarter, and just celebrated the store’s first anniversary. With market giants like Amazon to compete with, bookstores today cannot survive by depending on competitive pricing. They must offer something that online shopping cannot – a unique experience and engaging community. The Ripped Bodice has these qualities in spades.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
The walls are lined with colorful, engaging books, covering a variety of romantic interests.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
The decor is charming and intriguing, making you desire to stay longer than a casual perusal would allow.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
Everywhere you look, there is something engaging to admire.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
Barbie enjoys lounging at The Ripped Bodice as well 😉
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
Fitzwilliam, the mascot of the store, is quite friendly and will likely come over to be petted.
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
Upstairs, there is a room full of discount books that doubles as a classroom where romance writing is taught <3
WhedonKnit Night at The Ripped Bodice
After an enjoyable time together, we packed up our knitting, made our purchases and headed home. I wish this store was closer by my house, as I would certainly come often to visit!
If you want to participate in WhedonKnit Nights, there will be one more this Saturday, March 25th at Galaxy of Comics in Van Nuys! Be sure to check it out and bring your knitting gear! No matter what level of knitter you are, it will be a great time!