The book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul laying in a pile of leaves and greenery

Book Review | Sacred Earth Sacred Soul, By John Philip Newell


Self-awareness, self-growth, dare we call it “spiritual growth”—plus, the brave and audacious decision of doing something to improve the state of the world—are two sides of a very old coin.  Newell attributes that coin to the ancient Celtic people who once populated most of northern Europe, and whose intricate artwork and dogged resistance to Rome’s mighty power, have caused a modern-day resurgence of interest in this path called Celtic wisdom.

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Estelle sitting on a grassy hilltop with her bicycle behind her. The title of the game rests to her left

Video Game Review | Season: A Letter to the Future


This journey that Estelle goes on is as much as one for you as it is hers. It’s a title that is best experienced with a cup of warm tea, a blanket and a mindset of taking your time. Breathe in the world that the developers have created, bask in the warmth of the sun that peers over the hills, capture the sounds, moments and sights that this game has to offer. Let yourself go on this journey with Estelle. I highly recommend it.

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People standing in front of art at Complexcon

ComplexCon 2022


ComplexCon was created to host themes involving exhibitions, music concerts, discussion panels, streetwear culture and content related to pop culture and mass audience entertainment. ComplexCon has become an event that cultivates and gives exposure to new upcoming brands and artists that are trying to break into the streetwear and design  scene.

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