
Letter from the Editor of, Georgia Sanders


Culture Honey is an online travel and culture magazine “with heart”. That means that while we are passionate about travel and culture, and believe that they have the potential to bring people together toward greater humanity, we also believe that we cannot truly understand another culture or another person without understanding something of their suffering.

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Book Review | Offsides & Out of Bounds, Thoughts on Athletes and Activism: We Matter by Etan Thomas

Book Review | Offsides & Out of Bounds, Thoughts on Athletes and Activism: We Matter by Etan Thomas


“Shut up and dribble,” was the response of television and radio talk show host Laura Ingraham to Cleveland Cavaliers LeBron James for “talking politics” during a recent interview. The Fox News host clearly thinks it is out of bounds for a professional athlete to express his or her opinion regarding matters of social justice.”

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