Spring Time Promises
As I await the early signs of spring this year,
I have many things to do and renew.
Some of you may need a nudge to do the same too.
Out with the cold in with the… NEW!
Opening the windows to my house and my soul to allow fresh air to take control.
A lot of deep breaths and stretching goes hand in hand – for more energy to complete my plans.
Taking time to deep clean every stain for a long-lasting polish and shine – in my house and in me – the best I can.
Be gone, old cobwebs allowed to collect dust.
It’s time to eliminate allergy germs from all of us.
Those hundreds of forgotten bad papers and memories of old news that only gave me nothing but the blues.
Now balled up and hauled out of my sight.
I plan on sleeping real good tonight!
I mean it! I’m through! No more unpleasant sights to hold onto!
I am ready for some free open space – with absolutely nothing going in its place.
I am taking on dark shadows that have affected me so negatively.
Forgotten dates, lost calendars – for months and more.
Now gone too long to even keep score.
Like a sweet tooth gone bad and a sad, repetitive song.
Goodbye, so long!
Not a good idea to ignore – you’re still hanging around anymore?!
Today I tore down cobwebs of forgotten past offenses.
I am celebrating eliminating the creepy crawlers who found a nice, hot spot to nest in!
I just swept away like last year’s newspaper hats and shoes.
Reminders of lost pet toys and chews
Unresolved puzzles and bills past due. (Ah chew!)
Thank goodness for the blessing of dried lavender flowers and herbs and the sweet aroma potpourri spray that leaves a smile on your face – before fading away.
I found all those unnecessary buttons hiding in corner places that we couldn’t find until we turned on the lights.
Exposing those other “no-no’s” as they got swept out of sight.
Be gone old magazines, receipts, sticky things and goo.
I have no more time collecting you.
Dirty dust duty
Old bargain clothes on hooks on the door you’re not going to hang here anymore.
Now take your place in a Salvation Army station bag full of things to donate that now someone else will appreciate.
I am almost done and I made my decision.
I am setting you free from my four wall prison.
They begged me one day during retail therapy and
I spent my money emotionally.
It happens to us all, but now I know how easy it is to let it go
Forget about the reason it hurt me at all.
I surrendered all this to Jesus so very long ago.
So now I look forward and never look back.
Once a year as a brand new Spring begins to appear.
Now it’s like a new, old-school cleaning – heart to heart time as well as good feeling.
So I welcome God’s fresh anointing to permeate the atmosphere.
Then the ultimate finish is a visit to my dentist for an exam – makes me realize how blessed I am.
This yearly habit will blow your mind.
An experience of the healthiest kind.
So effective.
I will be including a bit early.
Like a brand new me in my new spring beginning
Now do yourself a favor no more excuses.
Forgive yourself if you should have started sooner
I strongly urge you to take my advice to heart.
Get a total fresh start this Spring – It’s really true!
Get rid of stinking thinking, let go of temper tongue and enjoy a new season!
I can’t believe I said that, Ah, yeah
A few deep breaths of fresh new fresh air like after the rain and a big time of prayer thankfulness.
You will glow with the beauty of life sprouting and blooming in the air.
Like a child in wonder.
Your contagious love goes everywhere.
Thanks to God when you ask for God’s true love power policy tools.
I’m sure you will thank me later.
Cause if you read all this right.
You are no fool
Get ready for Spring.
A brand new thing.