Culture Honey Presents: Faith, Justice, & Action Discussion Group
It was encouraging that sixteen men and women joined together a couple of weeks ago on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, to talk about one of the most important issues facing our country today: Race Relations in America. It took courage to open up with one another about our personal thoughts, feelings, and stories. Culture Honey is thankful to each person who shared, particularly our Special Guest, William Syms. Together we moved toward this ideal:
“A fully functional multiracial society cannot be achieved without a sense of history and open, honest dialogue.” – Cornel West
Here is a list of the videos presented at our gathering:
1. Tracy Chapman sings “Talkin’ Bout a Revolution” at Freedomfest, marking Nelson Mandella’s 70th birthday. The question is, “What has changed in America since 1988 in regard to racial issues?” What needs to be changed now?
2. From Sojourners, the 60 second video, “Do black lives matter to white Christians?” asks some pointed questions:
3. We highly recommend watching this Ta-Nehisi Coates interview about his book, “Between the World and Me”, and purchasing the book afterward:
With the “Faith, Justice, and Action” series, Culture Honey seeks to create space for honest, empowering conversations on important subjects facing our lives today.
“…want to let you know how happy I was to be able to attend this meeting. It was quite eye opening.” ~ Tim D.
“…it seems to me this is a crucial time to be discussing these issues of race and discrimination and how our faith instructs us to act. I really appreciated William Syms presentation of both facts and personal story. I think those of us who have been in this position of power and privilege really need to listen to the stories of those who have suffered under this institutional racism.” ~ Julie C.
“I believe when we sit down to discuss racial inequality over a cup of coffee or tea, an atmosphere of inclusiveness is created and we are then made aware of opinions we hadn’t considered previously. This makes room for tangible information that can contribute to the development of positive resolutions.
Additionally, people from all ethnic groups can start to understand issues that effect all of us and how we can apply faith, justice, and action to resolve racial disparities.” ~ Steve S.
Galatians 3:28b-
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Stay tuned, the next Culture Honey Presents: Discussion Group is slated for April 2016. The topic will be Refugees and Immigration, A Scriptural View.