Reflections on Art, Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Georges Clemenceau [1841 – 1929] was a French political leader born in Paris. This commemorative art stands at the corner of the Champs-Élysées and the Grand Palais.
Each year, the Paris International Contemporary Art Fair brings the world together to witness the expositions of 174 art galleries from 25 countries. This year includes 47 French and 34 American galleries to present their best-known artists as well as those emerging talents in contemporary art.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Installation at the Gagosian Gallery.
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.”
~ Confucius
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
I suppose if one were ‘art,’ it could be normal to receive a puzzled expression.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
During this fair, I was particularly drawn to shapes, space, light and motion. The object in regard by these visitors was a concave circle composed of triangular reflective material – such as mirror.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
At one point, at a certain angle, it reflected entirely gold.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
An unusual view, always appreciated by my radar.
“The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness.” ~ Max Eastman
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
I appreciated very much this contemporary art.
“Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.” ~ John Maxwell
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Each object or sculpture made space, colour and form available to pause for reflection.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
I was compelled by the apparent texture of this concave circle, the colour, so subtle, whispered velvet.
“I myself am quite absorbed by the delicate yellow, delicate soft green, delicate violet of a ploughed and weeded piece of soil.”
~ Vincent van Gogh
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
The fair offered unlimited opportunities to reflect on reflection itself.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
A semblance of our moon while highlighting her phases. One could be occupied here to infinity discovering microcosms of life as visitors ebbed and flowed!
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
At times life is a mix of matter. Some pieces have been lost, and a few bits have been cracked.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
It is confirmed: Art is Living and Living is Art.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Home sweet home.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“To create one’s world in any of the arts takes courage.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Looking directly into this drum with sound waves was endless, leading to an infinite abyss of darkness, yet from any other angle it was a lively melody of cheery delight!
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“A work of art is a scream of freedom.” ~ Christo
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” ~Anais Nin
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.” ~John F. Kennedy
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
“Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more humane world.” ~ Andre Maurois
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
The light on the pieces drew me closer, yet I stopped here… and this is my piece.
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Peaceful pond, ever reflecting… white shoes are ‘in.’
Paris FIAC 2016, Grand Palais
Splashes of colour and people create the art scene.

Paris FIAC 2016, Petit Palais
Departing the Grand Palais, on a beautiful Parisian day, a lovely view of the Petit Palais.
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cheers to a wonderful week of mindfulness and perhaps a little reflection 🙂