Parenting Now: The Importance of Bridging the Generational Divide
Bridging The Generational Divide
Connection. How do we connect all these generations orbiting each other?
When we shut down, we create generational silos comprised of them versus us.
Silos become more fortified with impenetrable walls reinforced by miscommunication, misunderstanding, resentment, and maliciousness. Following young Greta Thunburg’s 2019 riveting speech on climate change, many older people attempted to minimize the impact of Greta’s admonishing words by belittling her age and unique speaking style. Instead of taking the time to hear and appreciate Greta’s passionate and insightful discourse, these older critics dismissed her words as the ramblings of a misguided juvenile. By shutting Greta down, these critics missed a golden opportunity to hear the concerns of someone from the younger generation and perhaps do something positive to speak directly to her concern and indirectly to millions of other young people that share Greta’s concerns.
When we listen, we all thrive.