I Woke up this morning, my church was on my mind.
I Woke up this morning, my church was on my mind.
Educated by the Sister's of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Brother's of St Patrick, Professors in the San Fernando Valley and the State University of California in Los Angeles. I value the influences that flew under the radar. Early on there were the nuns who showed me the lovely prints of Corita Kent, the lay teacher that had me listen to the music of Dave Brubeck and the brothers who had us find meaning in the words of a poet named Bob Dylan. My journey has lead me to an appreciation of the arts and I have found inspiration in the expression through words. I know there is truth and beauty to be found in the creative and it is there I will find the Creator.
Tahir closes his narrative with a reflections,”We are finally free, but those we love the most are suffering still, left behind in that tortured land. Each time we think of them, we burn with guilt. We will see those dear ones only in our dreams.”