Love in the Time of Covid-19; Dance toward your dreams to progress
These days it seems that a lot of people are ‘signing off’ messages with “stay safe” instead of “love”, “yours”, or “cordially”. It is to say be careful, keep yourself protected, free from danger or harm.
Love in the Time of Covid-19; Le Regard de PLANTU
This message (all good intentions noted) under the prevailing unprecedented global circumstances speaks to me as though suddenly the majority of humans are under siege, attack, each one threatened in his or her essential existence, and that life-threatening danger is lurking in each and every breath or step.
Indeed, many people are feeling just that. Even while it is known that the majority of people have not to fear, fear floats about more salient than ever in our ‘photons of collective connection.’ This refers to the ‘collective of thought-forms’, the psyche, and is additional to the air that is shared by each and every living being on the planet.
Is it not true that most of the time each of us normally takes precautions such as to attend to our nutrition and exercise needs, cleanse clothing and bodies including hands, look before crossing a street, follow the safety indications of traffic signals, all in order to keep healthy and alive?
I propose one ‘silent safety measure’ that some individuals may have overlooked in the frenzied herd mentality of panic: choice. Choice offers a presence in each moment. Choice invites an opportunity for pause. Choice supports each and every person with common sense and the intuition, to act according to each of her or his own sensibilities. One can deliberately choose to avoid being ‘captivated and fear-infused’ by Covid-19. Additionally, it has been noted that fear-producing stress can diminish normally healthy immune responses, marking individuals as potential victims even prior to ever becoming realistically accessible as a host for this virus. Huge changes have come about in each and every person’s life.
I cannot be comfortable, I cannot be comfortable, I cannot be comfortable…
Everyone Has a Story
Once upon a time…
I enjoyed a good cappuccino, I loved to fly, I adored space in the metro, and I will love to fly again.
Love in the Time of Covid-19; I enjoyed a good cappuccino
Love in the Time of Covid-19; I loved to fly, Nature’s magnificent cloud cover
Love in the Time of Covid-19; I loved to fly, through blue-infinity
Love in the Time of Covid-19; Space at the Metro
I adore space in the metro. Still, even though it is crowded to the maximum at times, I marvel at how many people in and around Paris are provided with an efficient transportation system.
All together now. I am above all a lover of Liberté, Egalité and Fraternité. I am willing – even more – I love to support the common good, and at this unsettling time my most effective contribution is to be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy so I can be present for others if the need arises.
Love in the Time of Covid-19; I will love to fly again
I think the majority of people (in the Western world at any rate) are grieving the loss of life as known. Without warning, a known rhythm vanished under the construct of safety, and each is left to one’s own space and time. This extinction is the most important global calamity seen in centuries. And, similar to other important loss, including yet not limited to catastrophic changes to the earth, work and one’s ability to sustain a living and departed loved ones, it is normal to grieve the loss of familiar control.
Love in the Time of Covid-19; Humans care, feel, and often react
Love in the Time of Covid-19; Curiously before confinement sensitivities support our best interests
And still within this particular loss, many are discovering a long-desired moment of silence that offers time to look about, to listen to self and others, to open perception and invite otherwise overlooked details of beauty in daily life. The construct devised may well contribute in some sense opportunities to see, hear and feel sensations that speak of something even better – Nature, and work/life balance:
Here in Paris, the invisible hérisson (hedgehog) that once were seen have again been spotted in the Bois de Boulogne, clear water flows where once constant agitation caused us to believe muddied was the normal colour of water, clearer, cleaner and silent skies make room for birdsongs to seem more crisp, sweet, audible, or simply more noticeable.
Mother Earth is breathing easier for at least a respite perhaps during this quiet time. My hope is that increased numbers in creatives will soar and innovative ideas and elements will emerge that serve to bring the weight of our human condition on the planet into better balance for the respect and health of all beings. I sincerely hope all people who have in some regions cleared the shelters of cats and dogs by adopting and offering them ‘forever homes’ will share the value of their experiences and details of their choices in ‘Love Stories’. I have known the experiences of and have witnessed how engagement with animals influences awareness of the important role we play as stewards of all life on our planet.
“Rêvez maintenant et voyagez demain!” Which can be translated: “Dream now and travel later!”
“I love this. This is a great promise. A message of hope.”
…Copyright © French Moments Ltd unless otherwise stated.

Love in the Time of Covid-19; Continue to evolve your dreams