WonderCon 2017
WonderCon was great this year, and I was sad to see it come to an end. There’s nothing like a convention to really awaken your inner geek, gushing about your newest fandoms and feeling the warm glow of nostalgia over old ones. No matter how many conventions you attend, you’re sure to find something new and exciting at each one, since the creativity that fuels geekdom never dies – it simply morphs into new forms as each year goes by.
Looking back at the last batch of photos from WonderCon makes me appreciate how many were taken. These are memories you don’t want to forget. The Disney Princess Jedis featured above were part of this year’s WonderCon Masquerade as well – quite the impressive trio! I love the candlesticks on the end of Belle’s lightsaber!
WonderCon 2017
Two cosplays from two animes, both excellent: Yona of the Dawn and Magi. You should watch both, and you can read a review on Yona of the Dawn here.
WonderCon 2017
Crossover Link proves that the possibilities for cosplaying classic characters are truly endless 🙂
WonderCon 2017
This Little Bo Peep had such striking eyes! I love Bo Peep. It always makes me sad that she’s missing once the third Toy Story rolls around… :'(
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
We did see a few panels at WonderCon as well, and they were all quite enjoyable. Though WonderCon’s panels may not be as cutting-edge or exclusive as those at other conventions, I deeply appreciate the lack of lines and copious amounts of waiting that panels at other events require. This panel was on formatting your artwork so that it is easy to follow the character’s perspectives without getting spatially lost. It’s amazing how much thought goes into these works that we the audience rarely consider.
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
My favorite panel at WonderCon was definitely the one of ball-jointed dolls! It was very low-key and all of the speakers were friendly and informative. Ball-jointed dolls are extremely high quality dolls meant for adult collectors. They have ball and socket joints (like the human hip) and their different pieces are strung together inside, leading to amazing levels of poseability. This is a field of doll-collecting that I’ve just begun to dip my toes into due to the high cost, but it was great to see some of these works of art in person, photograph them, and dream of a day when I might own a few myself.
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
My favorite doll in these collections was this centaur BJD. Her pastel colors and soft features are just so stunning!
WonderCon 2017
This Saber from Fate/Zero is an example of a cosplay that wouldn’t be too hard to pull off, but looks very sharp when it’s all put together.
WonderCon 2017
A Victorian-era female Flash is something that I never expect to see, but you never know what you’ll find at WonderCon!
WonderCon 2017
Luckily this Gandalf was kind enough to let us pass 😉
WonderCon 2017
One of my favorite cosplays of the convention: Lying Cat from Saga! This series is FANTASTIC. If you haven’t checked it out yet (and you’re 18 or older), you definitely should!
WonderCon 2017
I also caught five new Pokemon while at WonderCon! All the walking around is great for hatching eggs, though the wifi signal inside can be a bit spotty.
Are you guys still playing Pokemon Go? I’ve had a resurgence of obsession since they added new Pokemon. I wonder how my thoughts now compare to my original review of the app…
WonderCon 2017
Guts from Berserk. Now THAT is an impressive weapon!
WonderCon 2017
Of course, there’s got to be some adorable Miraculous Ladybug cosplays every year! These onesie pajamas were just too cute!
WonderCon 2017
This Geralt of Rivia cosplay from The Witcher series was also shown at the Masquerade and it won an award (I believe for cosplay construction) as well!
WonderCon 2017
My sister and I had the honor of doing a Yuri On Ice cosplay photoshoot with RuiningRyan and friends! This is an adorably hilarious and heartwarming anime, and these three did a great job capturing these characters’ quirks!
WonderCon 2017
Yuri looking fierce as ever. FEAR ME.
WonderCon 2017
Even when Yuri takes center stage, those two have to mess up the shot! 😉
WonderCon 2017
One happy family <3
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
We were able to get a few pictures from the Masquerade itself. This AquaGirl cosplay also won an award and was especially impressive since the girl crafted it herself!
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
Supernatural’s Castiel takes the stage in signature trench-coat, wings akimbo.
WonderCon 2017 – Oh, the Cosplay You’ll See!
This trio’s reenactment of “Sing, Sweet Nightingale” from Cinderella was spot on! This year’s Masquerade felt particularly impressive, both in cosplay and performances! It made getting back at 1:30 AM that night because we HAD to stay for the entire show well worth it!
WonderCon 2017
And thus ends another WonderCon! The pictures captured there are beautiful, but this is really an event that you should experience for yourself. Next year, be sure to buy yourself a ticket! Roam Artist’s Alley, visit some of the dozens of exhibitor booths and check out a panel or two. Enjoy all the creativity and joy you see around you, and meet new friends who love the same things as you do. I can’t recommend WonderCon highly enough!
Until next time, may Victor and his heart-smile send you joy as you continue your day <3
There’s more WonderCon 2017 geekery to be had! Click here for Day One and here for Day Two!