The British are Coming! Sponge Rolls for All!
Have you ever watched a movie, or went somewhere and you saw people eat something, and all you could think about was that item? It could be the most obscure thing, like roasting duck or funnel cake. Something you have never seen in a grocery store, or something that is on every shelf. No matter what the item, you just fixated on it all week. Well, it’s been one of those weeks for me. I found a new cooking show, and everything they made I wanted to eat. The only thing is it was a British show, so when they said biscuits, I thought, “Yum, with warm butter.” Then all of a sudden, they were making crackers. I was so sad, but so intrigued. I would never think of making my own crackers. It was that way for all the food they made on the show.
The British are Coming! Sponge Rolls for All!
This week, I tried my hand at making a sponge roll. They say sponge is hard to make, and I took that as a challenge. You know what I found out? Sponge is hard to make. Whoever “they” are, the people who rate food, they are right. My first try, and it looked amazing, nice and light brown, and when I touched it, it sprang back. Then I did what they tell you to do, I flipped it out right away so I could roll it. Guess what happened? It just started oozing out. The whole middle was still uncooked! So I got my trashcan and just pushed it off the counter into the bin. That was a bad kitchen day for me. Have you ever had a bad kitchen day? Well, Thursday was my bad kitchen day; nothing was working out for me. I think my trashcan ended up with more food than my counter.
The British are Coming! Sponge Rolls for All!
But you should never give up, even if something doesn’t work the first time. So Friday, I got my cake tin out again and tried the sponge cake once more. This time I let it cook a little longer and tried again. This time when I flipped it there was no oozing! It rolled real nice and tight.
While it cools, you get to make the filling. Usually the roll is filled with some sort of cream, but this time I made a raspberry cream cheese sauce. It was so creamy and smooth. Unlike most berries, you want to make sure you sift the raspberries after they are melted down so you get all the seeds out. No one likes seeds in a cream sauce. Once the cake was cooled, and the sauce was creamy enough, I unrolled it and put a nice layer of the raspberry on it, then rolled it back up. I then dusted it with powdered sugar and garnished with a whole raspberry. Not going to lie, I was very proud of it, which may sound all high and mighty, but if you think about it, when you have a meal you have made, you’re proud of the outcome. This was my meal, or dessert.
The British are Coming! Sponge Rolls for All!
Now that I’m on this British kick, I am not sure what I will be bringing you next week, though by tomorrow I might be on to something totally different. So, until next week, maybe you will surprise yourself and make something you have been fixated on.