We express our heartfelt condolences for the loss of lives in Los Vegas, Nevada. We embrace compassion for the families, friends and societies impacted by this egregious act of violence. For even a bit of solace, look to Nature, and to a community of family and friends.

Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
Mont Sainte-Odile (Odilienberg in German) is a Vosges mountain located at Ottrott in the department of Bas-Rhin, culminating at 764 meters of altitude.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
It is watched over by the abbey of Hohenbourg, a convent that overlooks the plain of Alsace, founded by Sainte Odile, patroness of Alsace, daughter of the Duke of Etichon.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
The Source, located below the abbey of Mont Sainte-Odile, is an important place of pilgrimage.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
Water is always reputed to be able to cure eye problems. Today, the Source always flows.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
It was Sainte Odile herself who discovered the Source and began the flow with her staff in order to help a blind man in distress. The miraculous water of the new spring cured the blind man of his blindness and contributed greatly to the importance of this saint.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
Autumn is a beautiful season to visit the Source of Sainte Odile in the Vosges Mountains in Alsace.
Source Saint Odile, Miracles, Vosges Mountains, Alsace
Many pilgrims come to drink the water directly from the spring or to collect the miracle water.