2016 Paris Winter Light
2016 Paris Winter Light first, just as the jour se lève.
It’s all about light.
On a winter’s day, although not in LA, there is reportedly a five minute window before it rains just after sunrise. I do this ‘parce que le jour se lève’ (because the sun rises). I layer my clothing, and resolutely complement my protection with a hand-knit, tender, cream-color, lanolin-infused wool hat and a beige cashmière scarf. I judiciously pack my red umbrella, into a large leather sac which also will serve to protect my camera from the rain when it arrives, and it does. It is cold, yet not cold enough to snow.
2016 Paris Winter Light
Spring buds have sprung, and then the cold returns. Nature frequently holds surprises.
2016 Paris Winter Light
Softly, gently, the day reveals her splendor.
The pluie (rain) fall is timid and gentle, as though it almost is too cold for her to execute her route, and she treads lightly. A gust nearly usurps my parapluie (umbrella) and ousts it to the Seine. I love the light. And at 8 :05, the lumière due to the lever du soliel magnificently fills the day amongst the cloud cover to reveal a delicate and precise, relatively monochromatic Paris landscape from and around le Pont de l’Alma. And that’s the rest of the story. So far.
2016 Paris Winter Light
Colours fold toward one another as though to reach out through the crisp air of winter.
2016 Paris Winter Light
The Seine flows strong and certain, greeting the rain in the nearly frozen air.
2016 Paris Winter Light
The Iron Lady awakens to join her place in the day’s rainfall.