European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
Where can you see a huge, three story Christmas tree covered in Swarovski Crystal ornaments? Zurich, Switzerland, of course! The tree stands each year in one of the THREE Christmas Markets in Zurich, but this is the only market indoors. It’s held in the main train station, and if you plan to go, I suggest a minimum of three to four hours! There are so many charming and unique items to purchase as gifts, both for others as well as to decorate one’s own home for the holidays! OH, and one more note! Just because it’s “inside” doesn’t mean it isn’t cold! The temperature has been in the 40’s (F) in these two weeks leading up to Christmas, so be sure and bring your warm mittens, hats, coats and scarves! And then take advantage of the mulled wine and lovely cafes and food stalls to keep warm from the inside out!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
Everything from beautiful “cashmere milk” soap (made from local goat milk) to handmade cookies!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
Colorful paper lanterns are a tempting holiday treat that adds to the overall celebratory atmosphere of the market!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
But a definite star of the day was the food! For lunch that meant sausage and cheese potatoes (and the best little pickles too!) as well as Hot Gluhwein!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
And how about some handmade mead, made with local honey?
Or (oh, the glory!) some beautiful Swiss or Italian cheese or cured meats?? All these things can be vacuum-sealed and transported back in your checked baggage to your country of origin!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
And why not finish off your shopping splurge with some gorgeous chocolate desserts with your favorite filling? Will they make it back to your hometown intact? Here’s hoping, and a very happy holidays to all! See loads more about the Christmas Market in the photo gallery below!
European Christmas Market: Zurich, Switzerland!
**Editor’s Note: On December 19th, 2016, there was a terrible attack on a Christmas Market in Berlin, Germany. Twelve people lost their lives and another 49 were injured. Our hearts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Security is a hard reality in public places in Europe at the moment. We saw soldiers with guns at each of the Christmas Markets we visited. The soldiers were very serious and very alert. What is the way forward in free societies in the areas of security, danger, and privacy? It is something that countries in Europe, as well as in the U.S., and those that visit them, especially in public places, are grappling with.