Bodega Bay is a shallow, rocky inlet on the coast of northern California. It is situated about 60 km (40 miles) northwest of San Francisco and is west of Santa Rosa. The bay borders Sonoma County to the north and Marin County to the south.
Bodega Bay Beauty
Bodega Bay is protected on its north by Bodega Head, which shelters the small Bodega Harbour. The jetty of Bodega Head separates the harbor from the main bay. The village of Bodega Bay sits on the east side of Bodega Harbor. The bay connects on its south end to the mouth of Tomales Bay.
Bodega Bay Beauty
“The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea.” ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh
“When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke
Bodega Bay Beauty
“The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.” ~Kate Chopin
“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.” ~ Maya Angelou
Bodega Bay Beauty
“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” ~ Jacques Cousteau
Bodega Bay Beauty
“Limitless and immortal, the waters are the beginning and end of all things on earth.” ~Heinrich Zimmer
Bodega Bay Beauty
“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
Bodega Bay Beauty
“Even castles made from sand fall to the ocean.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
Bodega Bay Beauty
“Why a wise man is wise? The answer is simple: Because he has left his own shore!” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan
Bodega Bay Beauty
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
Happy Holidays!