Pizza of Venice, Pizza Quest: The Search for the Pies of Excellence. Part I of an Occasional Series.
How much do you dread Mondays? Facebook is filled with memes of the dreaded day, but Mondays are something to look forward to if…
Read MoreKenneth Bower is a father of four and husband to one very patient wife. Ken is an avid motorcyclist and urban adventurer. Raised in Pasadena, Ken is passionate for the diversity offered by the paradise we live in.
How much do you dread Mondays? Facebook is filled with memes of the dreaded day, but Mondays are something to look forward to if…
Read MoreIs “mind blown” passé? I’m too old to know or to care. As the credits rolled, the patient wife and I simultaneously turned to…
Read MoreTacos are a perfect food. Two small tortillas piled with savory meat, some onions, cilantro and a little salsa to kick things up….
Read MoreI opened up Facebook last week and found this post from my friend Todd at the top of my feed: “Is anyone else watching…
Read MoreWhat do you think of if I mention Japan? Big cities like Tokyo? Sushi? Geishas? “Our Little Sister” takes us to a modern Japan…
Read MoreChances are you haven’t seen “A Cat in Paris”, the animated movie directed by Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Felicioli. Released in the United States in 2012, it…
Read MoreSubmarines are mechanical marvels and the mystery ships of the ocean. In the US Navy, they are known as the “Silent Service”. The most…
Read MoreLili sits at the table, a PB&J sandwich to one side, a pile of crayons, colored pencils, construction paper and scissors in front of…
Read MoreDo you remember the first time you rode Space Mountain at Disneyland? If you haven’t ridden, it’s a roller coaster enclosed in a dimly-lit…
Read MoreThe little man sits behind the counter next to the deli case. His apprentice stands to his right. To his left is bottle of…
Read MoreIn Southern California, we live in paradise. You may not realize this, but Jonathan Gold does. On the surface, City of Gold is a…
Read MoreThe screen goes dark and then lights up in pale blue with the line drawing of Totoro. The audience spontaneously erupts in cheers and…
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