They thought they knew
How it would all play out
When Messiah came.
When He did come
He did not do what
He was supposed to do.
They did not have room
In their hearts,
Hardened by certainty.
No room for adjusting
And aligning
Their thoughts
Their actions
To God’s.
What about me?
Do I have room?
Or am I so certain
I know the way –
That I miss it?
Mary had a choice.
She heard the invitation
And sat at his feet,
Became a disciple,
She had room
In her heart.
Her acceptance
Of the words and teaching
Upturned the Patriarchy,
And helped her brothers
To have room as well.
But the palm waving
Crowds shouting
Hosanna, quickly turned
To Crucify him
When he did not do
What they thought
He was supposed to do.