WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

This Sunday from 1-6 PM, the coordinators of WhedonCon put on a pre-con cosplay potluck at Griffith Park. As get-togethers go it was pretty chill, with some food laid out on a picnic table and cosplayers and photographers mingling in and out as there was another cosplay event going on at the same time in Griffith Park. It was a pleasant place to hang out for a few hours, nerd out over various fandoms with people, and snap photos of some great cosplays. It definitely got me pumped for WhedonCon!


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

A group pic snapped early on in the day. A number of fandoms were represented by the group.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

Great Lorne cosplay! He was my favorite on Angel – such an upbeat guy!


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

One should never miss the opportunity to look like a badass while cosplaying.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

It was SO HOT at Griffith Park that day – these cosplayers were certainly dedicated to their craft!

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

A furry cosplay on a day like that? Like I said, dedication.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

And the pièce de résistance – Buffy cosplay! Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a show that spoke to a generation, and still lives on today. There’s just something so timeless and hardcore about a female teenager becoming the Slayer and fighting vampires, demons and the forces of darkness in her own backyard. It was a treat to have the famous Spike/Buffy/Angel love triangle present for a photo shoot.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

Sword fights are a must when it comes to a good photo shoot.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

A tender moment ruined by Angel’s vampire puppet self.


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic


WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

… Or not.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

This must be from Angel’s days as a private detective in L.A.

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

WhedonCon Cosplay Picnic

“The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live.” – Buffy


Well guys, it’s been real. Tune in after a couple weeks for some WonderCon pics, and for WhedonCon pics May 19th-21st!


For more cosplay photos ~

WonderCon 2016:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Anime Expo 2016:
Part 1
Part 2
