The year began with a prayer inspired by a grandchild’s drawing and Psalm 119.
“Arms to the side,
widen the road to my heart,
walk into my life,
into my being,
penetrate, season, saturate,
and flavor me…”
Like the Psalmist, we ask for the road to be barricaded that goes to Nowhere as we instead choose the road to Somewhere.
It was a year of being reminded that He is in control. Although I may feel that I’m on the cusp, the precipice, He protects me with His concrete pylons.
Through the prophet Isaiah I received His promise, a new name from the mouth of the Lord,
that I am a crown of beauty in His hand, a jeweled cup high in His hand, my builder who marries me and as a bridegroom is happy with his bride so He is with me.
I find that He is “the beggar of love at the door of our heart” and I know that the desire of my heart is to run towards Him.
I’m reminded that my soul is baby content.
Like a child that is weaned,
He is with his mother for her loving, warm embrace,
For comfort, nurturing and emotional well-being.
That is my soul within I as I trust in Him.
So now I look for the fresh, reminded that He is about to do something new, that I must be willing to let go of what may seem to be the best things so that He can do new things.
I reposition myself and recalibrate my heart, ready to follow His invitation!